
cisco ap-1220 vxworks -> ios로 conversion 하기

BANG 2005. 5. 26. 14:56
cisco ap-1220 vxworks -> ios로 conversion 하기

ap1200일 경우 VxWorks Version이 12.03T, 12.02T1, 12.01T1, 12.00T, 11.56, or 11.54T 이어야 한다.
해당 Version이 아닐 경우 해당 VxWorks version으로 변환 한다.

web 접속후
Setup -> Cisco Services -> Update Firmware 에서 VxWorks version을 변경 할 수 있습니다.

Conversion tool requirements are given here:

1. A PC running the Windows 2000 or XP operating system.

2. Minimum PC hardware:

- Processor: Pentium III or equivalent

- Speed: 850 MHz

- RAM: 128 MB

- Hard disk free space: 250 MB (4 MB for each helper image upgrade task)

3. The person installing and running the conversion tool must be logged in and must be the administrator of the PC.

4. All the access points (source and target) must have a user enabled with full access privileges (Write, SNMP, Ident, Firmware, and Admin).

- Use the User Information page to configure user privileges (Setup > Security > User Information)

5. SNMP must be enabled on the source and target access points (Setup > SNMP > Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): Enabled).

6. The conversion tool uses SNMP commands to obtain configuration data from the source access point, but some security information cannot be accessed using SNMP. Before you use the conversion tool, you should obtain the following source access point security information:

- The WEP keys used for the radio interfaces and VLANs

- The LEAP passwords for repeater access points

- The passwords used with the User Manager Configuration

- AAA Server Configuration Secret Keys

7. Your VxWorks access points must have the following minimum contiguous free space to be successful:

- 4.0 MB for 1200 series access points

- 4.2 MB for 350 series access points

8. The conversion tool should be used over Ethernet LANs and not over slower networks.

9. If a VLAN is configured, a Native VLAN must also be configured in the access point.

10. If an Infrastructure SSID is configured, it must be mapped to the Native VLAN.

11. If BOOTP is configured, you must change to DHCP before running the conversion tool.

12. Use an IP address rather than a hostname for your authentication, accounting, and NTP servers.

13. You must ensure that your access points do not contain an 802.11g radio because the conversion tool supports only 802.11a and 802.11b radios.

14. You must use the correct helper image file identified in Table 1 for your access point.
(Cisco Aironet Conversion Tool & Helper Image Download page 입니다.)

Cisco Aironet Conversion Tool for Cisco IOS Software, 2.1 Administrator Guide for Windows - Requirements and Limitations [Cisco Aironet 1200 Series]

FAQs for the Cisco Aironet Conversion Tool Version 2.1 for Cisco IOS Software [Cisco Aironet 1200 Series]

vxworks 메모리 확인 명령어
