vlan test
2005. 8. 18. 20:53
Switch#vlan database
Switch(vlan)#vtp domain bang
Changing VTP domain name from test to bang
Switch(vlan)#vtp password 1234
Setting device VLAN database password to 1234
Switch#vlan database
Switch(vlan)#vtp server (server/client/transparent)
Setting device to VTP SERVER mode.
Switch#sh vtp status
VTP Version : 2
Configuration Revision : 0
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 5
VTP Operating Mode : Server
VTP Domain Name : bang
VTP Pruning Mode : Disabled
VTP V2 Mode : Disabled
VTP Traps Generation : Disabled
MD5 digest : 0xDB 0x05 0x1C 0xD7 0x71 0x9D 0x4A 0xD0
Configuration last modified by at 3-1-93 00:16:53
Local updater ID is on interface Vl1 (lowest numbered VLAN interface found)
Switch#vlan database
Switch(vlan)#vlan 10 name 10F
VLAN 10 added:
Name: 10F
Switch(vlan)#no vlan 10
Deleting VLAN 10...
Switch#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#int fa0/1
Switch(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
% Access VLAN does not exist. Creating vlan 10
Switch#sh vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active Fa0/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4, Fa0/5
Fa0/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8, Fa0/9
Fa0/10, Fa0/11, Fa0/12, Fa0/13
Fa0/14, Fa0/15, Fa0/16, Fa0/17
Fa0/18, Fa0/19, Fa0/20, Fa0/21
Fa0/22, Fa0/23, Fa0/24, Fa0/25
Fa0/26, Fa0/27, Fa0/28, Fa0/29
Fa0/30, Fa0/31, Fa0/32, Fa0/33
Fa0/34, Fa0/35, Fa0/36, Fa0/37
Fa0/38, Fa0/39, Fa0/40, Fa0/41
Fa0/42, Fa0/43, Fa0/44, Fa0/45
Fa0/46, Fa0/47, Fa0/48, Gi0/1
10 VLAN0010 active Fa0/1
1002 fddi-default active
1003 token-ring-default active
1004 fddinet-default active
1005 trnet-default active
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1 enet 100001 1500 - - - - - 0 0
10 enet 100010 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1002 fddi 101002 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1003 tr 101003 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1004 fdnet 101004 1500 - - - kkkk - 0 0
1005 trnet 101005 1500 - - - kkk - 0 0
Primary Secondary Type Ports
------- --------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Switch#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#int fa 0/1
Switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
Command rejected: An interface whose trunk encapsulation is "Auto" can not be configured to "trunk" mode.
Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation isl
Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1-10
Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 5-10
Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add all
Switch(vlan)#vtp domain bang
Changing VTP domain name from test to bang
Switch(vlan)#vtp password 1234
Setting device VLAN database password to 1234
Switch#vlan database
Switch(vlan)#vtp server (server/client/transparent)
Setting device to VTP SERVER mode.
Switch#sh vtp status
VTP Version : 2
Configuration Revision : 0
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 5
VTP Operating Mode : Server
VTP Domain Name : bang
VTP Pruning Mode : Disabled
VTP V2 Mode : Disabled
VTP Traps Generation : Disabled
MD5 digest : 0xDB 0x05 0x1C 0xD7 0x71 0x9D 0x4A 0xD0
Configuration last modified by at 3-1-93 00:16:53
Local updater ID is on interface Vl1 (lowest numbered VLAN interface found)
Switch#vlan database
Switch(vlan)#vlan 10 name 10F
VLAN 10 added:
Name: 10F
Switch(vlan)#no vlan 10
Deleting VLAN 10...
Switch#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#int fa0/1
Switch(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
% Access VLAN does not exist. Creating vlan 10
Switch#sh vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active Fa0/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4, Fa0/5
Fa0/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8, Fa0/9
Fa0/10, Fa0/11, Fa0/12, Fa0/13
Fa0/14, Fa0/15, Fa0/16, Fa0/17
Fa0/18, Fa0/19, Fa0/20, Fa0/21
Fa0/22, Fa0/23, Fa0/24, Fa0/25
Fa0/26, Fa0/27, Fa0/28, Fa0/29
Fa0/30, Fa0/31, Fa0/32, Fa0/33
Fa0/34, Fa0/35, Fa0/36, Fa0/37
Fa0/38, Fa0/39, Fa0/40, Fa0/41
Fa0/42, Fa0/43, Fa0/44, Fa0/45
Fa0/46, Fa0/47, Fa0/48, Gi0/1
10 VLAN0010 active Fa0/1
1002 fddi-default active
1003 token-ring-default active
1004 fddinet-default active
1005 trnet-default active
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1 enet 100001 1500 - - - - - 0 0
10 enet 100010 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1002 fddi 101002 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1003 tr 101003 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1004 fdnet 101004 1500 - - - kkkk - 0 0
1005 trnet 101005 1500 - - - kkk - 0 0
Primary Secondary Type Ports
------- --------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Switch#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#int fa 0/1
Switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
Command rejected: An interface whose trunk encapsulation is "Auto" can not be configured to "trunk" mode.
Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation isl
Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1-10
Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 5-10
Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add all