CIT is a qualifying exam for the Cisco Certified Network Professional CCNP® certification. The 642-831 CIT exam will test materials covered under the Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting (CIT) course. The exam will certify that the successful candidate has important knowledge and skills necessary to troubleshoot sub-optimal performance in a converged network environment. The exam includes topics on describing and implementing effective troubleshooting strategies, troubleshooting IP unicast and multicast routing, troubleshooting multi-layer switched networks, and troubleshooting WANs and remote access connections.
The following information provides general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. In order to better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.
Describe and implement effective troubleshooting strategies
- Describe and apply layered-model troubleshooting methodologies
- Isolate sub-optimal internetwork operation at the correctly defined OSI Model layer
- Identify tools and resources for network troubleshooting
Troubleshoot IP unicast and multicast routing
- Troubleshoot IGPs
- Troubleshoot BGP
- Troubleshoot multicast routing
- Troubleshoot protocol redistribution
- Troubleshoot policy based routing
Troubleshoot multi-layer switched networks
- Troubleshoot spanning tree
- Troubleshoot VLANs
- Troubleshoot multi-layer switch operations
- Troubleshoot gateway redundancy protocols
Troubleshoot WAN and Remote Access
- Troubleshoot and verify AAA
- Troubleshoot Frame Relay
- Troubleshoot PPP
- Troubleshoot ISDN and DDR
- Troubleshoot and verify VPN remote access operations with IPSec
- Troubleshoot queuing and compression solutions
Cisco Internetworking Troubleshooting (CIT) is the recommended training for this exam.
Courses listed are offered by Cisco Learning Partners—the only authorized source for Cisco IT training delivered exclusively by Certified Cisco Instructors. Check the List of Learning Partners for a Cisco Learning Partner nearest you.